Raising a miracle.....

Stinson II (1/24/12 Celine II x Oz III), a Golden Retriever/Labrador cross.

Stinson's age.....

PitaPata Dog tickers

Thursday, March 19, 2009


A you can see, I am resting comfortably (?) and enjoying my time off. Although I do miss my friends (puppy & two-legged) very much! 4 weeks to go, give or take....my raiser is havng her foot surgery tomorrow morning....we're going to be a pair, aren't we?
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

After Knee Surgery

Dr. Capuano had to get a picture of me the morning after my surgery. She called me SuperDog because I very carefully and effectively rearranged my e-collar into a cape (it wasn't at all flattering!). But, I didn't damage it and my bed was still perfect!

The Vet said I did really well - I've been very tired and I only cry a little bit, mostly because I'm bored (or want to be adored).

I have to be a really good girl for the next 6-8 weeks - should be a piece of cake! Tiller went to stay with Aunt Phyllis and Daphne for a month - I really miss her, but I'm not allowed to play until then, so we'll make up for it later!

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